A Study on a Drawing Tool of a Spatial Drawing Application in Virtual Reality
Ginam Ko,placeB Inc, Guro-gu, Seoul, South Korea
Kyoo-Won Suh,Industry Academic Cooperation Foundation, Hallym University,Chuncheon-Si, Gangwon-Do, South Korea
SangHun Nam,Media Businsss, Dept. Of Newmedia, Seoul Media Institute of Technology, 99, Hwagok-ro 61-gil, Gangseo-gu, Seoul, South Korea
A system for spatial drawing must have a display device that shows stereoscopic images to the user, a controller serving as a brush for drawing, and a function that creates a line and a curved surface and visualizes the virtual space. Herein, a software framework was designed for spatial drawing by analyzing the functions for spatial drawing applications in a virtual environment based on existing studies and produced a virtual reality spatial drawing application with virtual drawing tools. The application employed a traditional painting metaphor. Furthermore, a brush module and a palette module were designed for the spatial drawing interface and linked to the line and surface generator modules to change drawing attributes, e.g., color and texture.
Virtual Reality, Spatial Drawing, Drawing Tool.
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